Saturday, 15 December 2012

Surprise pepper

I am one that truly in joys spicy, peppered and hot foods, but I must say there has never been a match to the pepper I just ate.
The pepper was not actually supposed to have been eaten, it's presence in the food bowl was enough to spice things up. I unknowingly put onto my plate and ate the thing whole.
It started of by just being really spicy and making everything tingle, then it got everywhere in my mouth and set it on fire. After I finished chewing I swallowed it and that did not end it.
There was now burning in my mouth and everywhere the pepper went until it hit my stomach. Now I must add that I have a furnace in my gut to begin with, but what that pepper did was turn it into an active volcano. The physical heat on the outside of my stomach changed and it took literally fifteen minutes for the heat to die down, now that may not seem like much, but if you ever have that kind of feeling you will know time multiplies. Now this was not all bad, i did gain a bit of advice out all that, and that is if this ever happens to you make sure to stand up and breath. Standing will release the heat in your stomach, and breathing will calm it. If this ever happens to you I hope this helps

Friday, 7 December 2012

I just had my foot hit by a car today, no injury or anything, but for some reason I feel like today is going to be a good day. I guess I can cross getting hit by a car off the bucket list.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

You can't fight if your not there, but neither can you fix anything

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Snapes iPhone reading reflection

This is what I believe Snapes iphone would look like, and his own patronus as his iphone cover.

Reading/Writing reflection #10

Reading/Writing Reflection #10

Tittle: sasquatch/human 
Author: Emmy layourne
Tweets read: 1-48

The story was an interesting one. In a way it reminded me of beauty and the beast, but in a reverse kind of way mixed with the story of Shrek. This did not change that fact that it was an interesting mix but I did some times cringe at the image of the two of them together. The story was an interesting tall, I must say my favourite part was was when the main character found out that the big foot was also a human, this was mainly do to the suspense that was built up before hand and also the fact that it was being lead up to for a very long time. Something I found a bit corny was the ending, just like in Sherk the girl turns into the beast. This was highly predictable and quite the obvious finish, do to this I was not very impressed with how the story ended. Although it was a obvious ending, I do acknowledge that it was a twitter fiction and from experience I know they are not always the easiest to put together. So all and I think I was an enjoyable story, I'm not sure if I would recommend it to others though it was hard to get through in so cases.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Fun stuff

One of the things that I love about fixing electronic devices is learning all the different ways to repair them. There is never the same problem twice or else life would be to easy. There are those odd times though, when you do know what's wrong with something and you get to look like a genius for the day