Reading/Writing Reflection #10
Tittle: sasquatch/human
Author: Emmy layourne
Tweets read: 1-48
The story was an interesting one. In a way it reminded me of beauty and the beast, but in a reverse kind of way mixed with the story of Shrek. This did not change that fact that it was an interesting mix but I did some times cringe at the image of the two of them together. The story was an interesting tall, I must say my favourite part was was when the main character found out that the big foot was also a human, this was mainly do to the suspense that was built up before hand and also the fact that it was being lead up to for a very long time. Something I found a bit corny was the ending, just like in Sherk the girl turns into the beast. This was highly predictable and quite the obvious finish, do to this I was not very impressed with how the story ended. Although it was a obvious ending, I do acknowledge that it was a twitter fiction and from experience I know they are not always the easiest to put together. So all and I think I was an enjoyable story, I'm not sure if I would recommend it to others though it was hard to get through in so cases.
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