Sunday, 30 September 2012

Six word memoir #3

I wanted to show the companionship of more than just a ring of friends, your piers, and make a point of
just how much people there are that are worth knowing.
Over the summer I had someone from Australia work with me, it was really interesting, 
especially since it turned out she was one of the heads of natural disaster coordination. 
she had been traveling all over the world and working in different places staying with friends she 
knew from all the places she went.
She was an example for me that having friends all around does nothing but create opportunity for you.
having friends all over gives you a chance to do thing you cant easily do on your own.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Six word memoir #2

Something that is absolutely astonishing, is how much our technology changes, 
and just how little we notice.
How many of you remember when smart phone were not around,
when laptops were big and chunky.
They most common is the ipod, and the amount of change it made.
I still recall getting an mp3 player for Christmas  and being so excited.
The purpose of this picture is to remind us how much has changed and also that this thing, is still around. Its called a hard drive and still is an active part of that sleek laptop that has a thousand mysteries inside. 

Six word memoir #1

The reason I took this picture is to represent all those people who are having a hard time, and feel trapped.
The black and white were used to emphasize the emptiness in that feeling.
I did not just make this to show a cornered person, if you notice the light around the head. 
I put that there to say that there is a way out.
 Even though it may be hard, there is a tunnel of light down the road that will take you to a better place.
You just have to prepare yourself for the challenges before you get there. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Writing response

Six word memoirs
Six word memoirs something that have gone very well for me, they are easy to put together and a great way to express yourself in depth without having to explain every single detail. Six word memoirs give a very deep connection to the reader depending on the word use, since it is so sort it is very easy to understand what the person is trying to say.
I stayed in my class when I did my six word memoirs, many because I did not want to go walking at the moment and partly because I work better with groups.
The thing I really like about this type of writing is just how deeply you can connect, even without a huge explanation, it takes the pain of ready a long paragraph out and hits you directly with all the emotion the writer put into it without swaying from their point. Some of the pros and cons of six word memoirs are:
-easy to get a point across
-can be misleading
-keeps things short and simple
-can be unclear
-most anyone can do it
-may be hard to some up your feelings
These are some of the things that make them so great and yet difficult.
Something I realized about myself is that I find it very easy to say what I need to say in writing, and can clearly state my meanings.
One of the hardest parts for was thinking up a six word memoir for hate, since I have never been one to hold on to the bad things life has to offer. On the other hand I found the relation to my past very easy to put together, for I often reflect on things in the past.

So far blogging has made an interesting addition to day to day activities, It is one thing to do things and then forget about them but by blogging  it, it keep a record of what you have done and shares it with anyone who is interested. One of the difficult things about blogging is finding ways to word your thoughts in a intriguing way as to make the audience interested. The most rewarding thing about a blog is having a record and memory of what you have done and go back to for later enjoyment.
A goal that I will be trying to achieve this week is to get comments form my readers, I will be achieving this by observing what you guys are responding are enjoying most about my posts.
If there is something you are interested in feel free to add a comment.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Reading Reflection #3

Reading reflection #3

book: Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
author: J.K. Rowling
pages: 526-560

There are many differences between the book and the movie, the main thing is that the movies can only fit so much in, and there for must fallow the plot of Harry versus Voldemort much more strictly. What happened to the films as the book sizes increased, is that they had to leave more and more out, "Such as Fred and Gorges departure from Hogwarts once they had enough of Ms Umbridge" and try and portray Voldemort and Harry's battle more clearly for the audience. The differences also define the similarities, since they had to stay so close to the plot that is where they made their connections. For example the battle in the forth book when Cedric Diggary died, was followed nearly perfectly, with the few exceptions of Harry;s emotions that would have been hard to display.
 What the movie also did was focus more on the creature battles, where the movie made it last five minutes the book only had a couple of sentences on it, such as the dragon in the forth movie.
What the movie does with the creature scenes of Harry Potter will always be a preference of mine, but for everything else i prefer the book. this is because it includes so much more story to it, and for me story is the whole point, so unless your more visual, books probably include so much more for you.

Something I have been wondering ever since Hagrid returned, is what has been happening to him to cause all the injuries. The problem with this question is that there is not much of an answer, since he tends to put himself in very risky situations it is hard to narrow down what could be happening.
So when I found out that Hagrid has been keeping his brother " A Giant" in the forbidden forest I must say i was not surprised. J.K Rowling may have cause a fair bit of curiosity in her readers with this, but for me it was not as much of a surprise as it could have been. Saying it then makes me wonder if she meant to wright this way, to give you a glimpse as to what is coming in the future, although I am not sure, this also seemed a likely possibility.

A big thing that has happened recently is Dumbledore's flee, and has caused me to really think about where this will lead to, since Umbridge is making things difficult for everyone, what will happen now that they have no one to stick up for themselves. Although the students are making things hard for her I would really like to know what will send her on her way.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Forgot something? unfortunate

So I went out for a walk down to get ice cream at sergeant sundae.
 On my way I saw an old lady trying to cross the road, helped her get to the other side. She gave me a nickle and told me not to spend it all at one place.
Saw a baby bird that fell out of a tree, climbed the tree and put it back. Only to have the mother bird attack me.
Someone was going to jump off a building, talked him down.
It was unfortunate he jumped. Lucky I broke the fall.
Dinner time, what  was I doing so far from home.
Almost home, see someone with ice cream,
 "of course."
 Get home, they have bought ice cream for desert. 
Unfortunate that its all gone.
Ask to borrow the car. 
tires are flat. 
Cheers to a good day. 
It could have have been worse.
At least i'm not bad luck Brian

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

One of the things that will always be fun for me is learning self discipline, and i don't mean learning to sit still. What I like is to be able control my own body, that is why I have joined a martial arts class called TRACMA.
It is a very fun class and I have got the picture a while ago that if your not feeling pain you are not improving as fast as you could. The fact that my older brother was in the class two years before I joined only adds a larger pile onto the pain i have to injure to catch up to him. The only problem is two years is hard to catch up to, and while I'm looking over at him doing the splits comfortably, my groin is aching over the stress of being split in half.
I tend to be a fast learner, so you say jump i say how high, but when it comes to jumping. In my class that also means spinning in the air and delivering a kick, it is great to know how to do that, but your body definitely will not agree.
If you are learning something similair please share techques that can prevent others and "myself" from further injury
For those people who like to be inspired, here is a poem that really meant something to me. If this poem is inspiring to you. please take a moment and think why what is it that stuck you, that made you think. If you have an answer please post it, for I would love to see others opinions on it.

For me it is a way of life you should proud of, and never to be strafed away from. For if you live with the knowledge that you will always be amazing no matter what happens to you, and you are not flaunting it around but holding it inside yourself. Then there will be nothing that can hurt you, and the strength inside your self will make others strong as well

                       Our Deepest Fear
                                                by: Marianne Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

                                                                      Source is here

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

This is a doodle of my digital foot print. The places I visit most are in portion to the the size of the continent that they are on. YouTube being the place I visit most gets the largest present of the the Earth, the ocean.

note: keep in mind that this is a doodle, and is not meant for the eye pleasure, rather a representation of the place I find entertaining online. For a more pleasing digit foot print go here.

Reading reflection # 2

book: Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
author: J.K. Rowling
pages: 280-321

After the discovery of Sirius’s family tree tapestry, it had me wondering who was all on it. Since it had been explained earlier that the Black family were rather dark, I wanted to know who was on that tapestry to see if any of the characters would come up later on in the story.
once I learned who was on the tapestry, I found it was a great way for J.K. Rowling to have re-introduced characters previously mentioned and getting the audience  to think about them once again.
what the tapestry represented for me was  great deal of  foreshadowing on people coming into the story. it was a prediction (at least for me) of who else would play into the series.
The tapestry was important because if any of Sirius’s family were to come back they would find out where the order of the phoenix is, and be able to learn about their plans from the house elf. (kreacher) If one of his family members were to come back it would play a big role in the story.

One of the things i found interesting after, Harry and his friends decided to start their own defence against the dark arts lessons, is how they were not ratted out. the reason I found this interesting is because I was led to believe “and even predicted” that the group would be told on by the character, Smith Zacharias. This did not just make me rethink the prediction, it also made me think up other predictions. Like. “if he did not tell on them something else must go wrong” It is funny how making an incorrect prediction can make you think up even more predictions then you already have.

Something else  that came out of the meeting for a defence against the dark arts class, is the knowledge that Ginny Weasley was dating. I was actually able to make a connection to my self with this because of how Ron reacted to the information.
The attitude is that of “wait shes dating that guy? Well i didn’t like him.” In this Ron and I carry a very similar few on how we prefer our little sisters. Single. It makes me laugh to read about a behavior I hold.

One question i had that was answered shortly after it came up, was who had attacked Hedwig. I was expecting it to be someone working for Voldemort, so when i found out it was Umbridge. Let me just say this, i can’t wait for something bad happens to her.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Introduction post

This is the beginning of my creative writing blogging which i will use to enhance my writing  skills and entertain those of you who are reading enjoy