Saturday, 15 December 2012

Surprise pepper

I am one that truly in joys spicy, peppered and hot foods, but I must say there has never been a match to the pepper I just ate.
The pepper was not actually supposed to have been eaten, it's presence in the food bowl was enough to spice things up. I unknowingly put onto my plate and ate the thing whole.
It started of by just being really spicy and making everything tingle, then it got everywhere in my mouth and set it on fire. After I finished chewing I swallowed it and that did not end it.
There was now burning in my mouth and everywhere the pepper went until it hit my stomach. Now I must add that I have a furnace in my gut to begin with, but what that pepper did was turn it into an active volcano. The physical heat on the outside of my stomach changed and it took literally fifteen minutes for the heat to die down, now that may not seem like much, but if you ever have that kind of feeling you will know time multiplies. Now this was not all bad, i did gain a bit of advice out all that, and that is if this ever happens to you make sure to stand up and breath. Standing will release the heat in your stomach, and breathing will calm it. If this ever happens to you I hope this helps

Friday, 7 December 2012

I just had my foot hit by a car today, no injury or anything, but for some reason I feel like today is going to be a good day. I guess I can cross getting hit by a car off the bucket list.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

You can't fight if your not there, but neither can you fix anything

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Snapes iPhone reading reflection

This is what I believe Snapes iphone would look like, and his own patronus as his iphone cover.

Reading/Writing reflection #10

Reading/Writing Reflection #10

Tittle: sasquatch/human 
Author: Emmy layourne
Tweets read: 1-48

The story was an interesting one. In a way it reminded me of beauty and the beast, but in a reverse kind of way mixed with the story of Shrek. This did not change that fact that it was an interesting mix but I did some times cringe at the image of the two of them together. The story was an interesting tall, I must say my favourite part was was when the main character found out that the big foot was also a human, this was mainly do to the suspense that was built up before hand and also the fact that it was being lead up to for a very long time. Something I found a bit corny was the ending, just like in Sherk the girl turns into the beast. This was highly predictable and quite the obvious finish, do to this I was not very impressed with how the story ended. Although it was a obvious ending, I do acknowledge that it was a twitter fiction and from experience I know they are not always the easiest to put together. So all and I think I was an enjoyable story, I'm not sure if I would recommend it to others though it was hard to get through in so cases.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Fun stuff

One of the things that I love about fixing electronic devices is learning all the different ways to repair them. There is never the same problem twice or else life would be to easy. There are those odd times though, when you do know what's wrong with something and you get to look like a genius for the day

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Oh what's that, my awesome levels seem to be peaking

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

My Twitter Fiction

Twitter fiction rough draft
Title: Unending Fury
Author: Elijah Van Eerd

The breeze from the ocean felt fresh and warm. The sky so perfect that you would not believe it possible. Its too bad she’s locked up.


I have grown up knowing things people won’t ear in their life. I have had a privileged childhood, and am now using it wisely.

I was taught by the most intelligent people my father could provide. he always had the best for me in everything.#TwitterFiction

When I was older I was aloud to go out with members of the order and perform the tasks we hold ourselves responsible for.

Now that I am of age I am to do my own missions, the first of which is to find you.The scream began again.#TwitterFiction

The scream that emanated from the the closet was unnatural, like dragging your nails across a chalkboard but with a human voice attached.

“That is a lovely song” he cried over the scream “ you really must teach it to me sometime”. this only amplified her anger.#TwitterFiction

The sound ends with a screech “ Why have you locked me up”. The room tremors at the finish. “I already told you.” he responds.

“You can’t just say you were a pompous looked after boy, that was taught kidnapping helpless girls was right.”she says “helpless” he laughs.

“It doesn't make any sense!” she yelled. “You cant expect me to tell you more when you havent even told me your name yet”

“ I already told you its Stephanie!” came her exasperated voice. “And I already told you, I dont mean your birth name” The scream came back.

After an hour or so the noise finally stopped. There was no longer an aggressive silence that was there before.#TwitterFiction

“Can I come out” she asked quietly. He opened the the door with the same dumb smile on his face, he held out his hand and she took it.

With a resolute sigh she took his hand, and maintained a calm posture. “listen I’ll cooperate, but I want answers” #TwitterFiction

He looked at her with an admiring smile and she blushed. “kidnapped and still trying to negotiate” he thought humorously.

Chapter 1:
It was his mission to find her. They had not heard of any outbursts in weeks. she had obviously reached the age of control.

They had told him she was last seen in mexico. “Thats not broad at all” He had thought to himself. Better yet she had obviously moved.

He had his ears open for any talk of a girl with strange abilities, listening to all conversation mentioning odd things.#TwitterFiction

It took a while but he found a trail of strained conversations that had been repeated too many times. “Finally getting somewhere”. He thought.

Another five days and the conversation was not so strained. “Yeah she dove in front of the car and saved the child”. He had overheard.

After asking around he was rewarded by a conversation with a woman. “Your her brother? And here she was saying she had no one”.

“As far as she knows thats true” He gave a made up past, which softened her up. “Well then she, was heading south. Hope you find her”.

“Thank you” He said and left the woman had housed the girl for a few days, great luck he might be able to wrap this thing up within the week.

He soon found he would have to move faster. She made the news and there was sure to be others after her, now hot on her trail.

She had laid low after the news, this was smart but irritating, it meant he would have to do a lot of guesswork on where to go.#vss

Two week and she was already past the mexican border. she had left a few subtle hints and he tracked them down like a wolfhound.

Four more days and he was in Venezuela, this was where the trail went cold. there was no longer any mention of a girl doing strange things.

After two sleepless nights he finally made some progress, and it didnt bode well. He was told others were asking for that girl as well.

He pursued the the information on the others who were looking for the girl until he caught up with one of the men asking the questions.#vss

He was a tall caucasian male with a well groomed Texan accent, the man had a tattoo of a dove flying through burning tree. He was Trazarc.

He followed the man to Maracibo. There the man had met up with three other men at a bar all as big and well built as himself.

He walked in, found a table close to them and listened to what they had to say. “Where did you say you were visiting from”. #TwitterFiction

It was a decoy conversation, he immediately looked for another way they were communicating. He found it, their feet tapped the ground.

Focusing on the tapping he started to make out there code. This was never one of his strong suits, he could only make out parts of code it.

“Shes here, I’ll go after her. I have been...(followed) you two take...(him) we’ll go after her” That was enough for him. He went to get up.

There was a whistle in the air, He spun out of his chair and caught a mans wrist, a knife in his hands the blade inches from his face.#vss

This was unexpected,he immediately adjusting to the seen.The one with the knife was the largest of the three. The next had a gun.

The other two men were heading for the back door. which was in mid swing, blond hair disappearing through it.#TwitterFiction

Without any more hesitation, he twisted the man's wrist, straightening his arm. With a quick deliberate motion he brought his elbow down.

There was the unmistakable snap of bones. The other man shot, but not before he had pulled the man in front of him.#TwitterFiction

With a swift motion he took three rotating steps and jumped. He spun and hit the man on the shoulder. It collapsed without resistance.

He landed and turned. The door was swinging the other way. A mans heel disappearing through it. He took off in chase.#vss


Stephanie heard the commotion and ran. She couldnt risk getting involved with another incident and having the police looking for her.#TwitterFiction

Looking behind her she saw two men pursuing her. They were making a mistake, she had to get away before they got hurt.#vss

She led them through a series of back alleys and dark streets until she finally lost them by hiding behind a dumpster.#TwitterFiction

After hearing their footsteps fade, she crept along the wall to the opposite corner, she slipped around it and bumped into a young man.

“I know this is sudden but im here to hel...your beautiful” he said. a little caught off guard. She didnt waste the moment and punched.

She hit him right on the side of his mouth. he faltered and she took another shot raising her leg up straight between  his legs.#TwitterFiction

She was rewarded with a severe pain in stabbing into her foot. She withdrew her leg and everything went fuzzy and she fell.#TwitterFiction


He followed them on the roofs, and watched her duck behind a dumpster. He climbed down a building next to the alley.#TwitterFiction

He had just made it to the corner when she turned it and bumped into him.#TwitterFiction

Reacting quickly he said “I know this is sudden but im here to hel...” He could not finish his
sentence. Her ora was amazing.#TwitterFiction

The next thing he said came as a surprise to himself. “Your beautiful”. dazed by her light he did not see the punch coming.#TwitterFiction

He was hit across the mouth. Startled, he did not see her kick, therefor unable to prevent her from hitting his concealed dagger.

She dropped quickly, he just managed to catch her. He reach inside his pocket, the dagger was poisoned he had to to get the antidote.

He pulled it out and rubbed the gel on her foot before any real damage was done. It was a good thing she was wearing sandals.#TwitterFiction

He looked around. There would be sure to be people searching this place soon, time to go, he would find a place to spend the night.

Chapter 2:
“Can I come out” he heard her say from inside the closet. He open the door and held out his hand. #TwitterFiction

With a deep breath she calmed herself and said “listen I’ll cooperate, but I want answers” . he smiled at her. #TwitterFiction

“Kidnapped and still trying to negotiate”. he thought to himself. He looked at her red face and said, “Ok what do you want to know”?

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


One of the hardest things to do is come up with a new idea, but once you have one you will never want to put it down. That is why I have a challenge every time I put my heart into something, because once its there I don't want to take it out

Saturday, 24 November 2012

The beauty of Canada

You know what I love about Canadians, they will stick to the things they love even when times are hard.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Writing Reflection #9

Twitter fiction

I currently have twenty three posts on my twitter fiction so i am very close to it being finished, the twitter fiction that is, the story goes on for much much longer. I am probably going to wind up cutting the so of the tweets I have written down out because it is only a rough draft and I am looking to improve anything possible. The type of story I chose was a short story, unfortunately I brain stormed it and added a lot more to it then I will be able to post on twitter fiction, so I will be trying to write a few chapters and then collapsing them for the sake of being within my limits. I chose to do a short story not because I didn't like the the other two options, but rather because of how much I like extended versions of things. Having an idea and keeping it from its full potential does not feel right to me, so I always wind up thinking further up the lane then I initially intended. Right now I currently still need to add the "so what" and the pics that will be going along with my twitter feed. I will be getting to them soon, they are just not my main priority right now. I have achieved building t characters. Although right now I am keeping them in the dark as much as possible, but i do need to identify them soon as to not bore the readers. Right m only question is how i am going to manage cropping the story down, but I think i will be able to do it. 

Monday, 5 November 2012

Reading Reflection #8

Reading Reflection #8

book: Dragon Rider

author: Cornella Funke

pages: 1-53

Although I am a big fan of fantasy novels, I must say that this book just did not cut it for me. From the moment I started reading I could tell that the reading level was for a far younger audience.
I found it odd how the language was being used to describe such simple thing as a very flustered rat, who told the dragons that humans would come. The way she was being described was something that I found really obnoxious, and it was that that made me realize the book was not focusing on my age group. After the realization that the book was for a younger audience I was no longer annoyed with the story but rather bored. Even though I am a fan of this type of story, it could not keep my attention.
I did find it interesting to read something for younger people, it showed me just how much my taste has changed, and how something that might have interested me while I was younger will now bother and bore me.
The reason for the story being so boring was a mix of things. One of the big ones was that it was extremely predictable. I knew everything that was going to happen long before it came to it, this is also the main reason that I will not be continuing this book, but the use of language in describing things just really did not give the urge to read on. A line that bothered me in this story was that "humans have ice that never melts" this would not be so bad if the author was trying to show the magical creatures negligence for the man kind, but it is then followed up by how they know what a machine is. It was things like this that also showed me that a group of kids could better understand the story by referring it to things that they know, but I was thoroughly put off the rest of the story, and i could make a full judgement right then and there that I could not read the book.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

personal addition #2

Fun facts

I have always been a fan so I have decide to make a list of some of the more uncommon ones that people may not have already known. So here they go.

1.If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

2.Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

3.A person cannot taste food unless it is mixed with saliva. For example, if strong-tasting substance like salt is placed on a dry tongue, the taste buds will not be able to taste it. As soon as a drop of saliva is added and the salt is dissolved, however, a definite taste sensation results. This is true for all foods. Try it!

4.Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself

5.Humans are the only primates that don't have pigment in the palms of their hands

6.It's possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.

7.Dogs have four toes on their hind feet, and five on their front feet. take a look.

8.A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

9.The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene.

10.Snails can sleep for 3 years without eating

11.Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode.

12.The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000.

13.The Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters.

14.If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom.

15.It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth.Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.

16.Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building, it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.

17.To escape the grip of a crocodile's jaws, push your thumbs into its eyeballs - it will let you go instantly

18.The youngest Pope was 11 years old.

19.Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.

20.Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.

 for more fun facts go to my source found here

personal addition #1

Life of an Ant

 I am building, always building for the queen. 
I have no thought of myself, only a thought that one day my family will be strong. 
I have natural predictors all around me, just a thought but not a concern. Then there are these giants that disrupt our homes, shower us down, trying to take hopes.
What they don't realize is that we are stronger then they are.
They may have high stances on the world out side, but here on the inside, I an Ant, am ten times stronger then they are.
I may be an ant, but what is ant, but a human to a bee. 

Monday, 29 October 2012

Reading Reflection #7

Reading Reflection #7

Book: Harry Potter and the half blood prince/ deathly hollows 
Author: J.K. Rowling

Im going to use this reading reflection to respond to both of these harry potter books because i finished them and was not able to. What i really wanted to focus is the "so what". What is it that I was supposed to get from these books? Well these last two book were by fare the darkest of the series, and I believe that what J.K Rowling was trying to do is really show just how desperate the situation had become ever since Voldemort came back. There where at times absolutely pointless casualties at times, these kind of things really bugged me but in the whole of the two books it really painted the picture of just dangerous the life of everyone had become.
What I found intriguing is that you were no long just trying to follow Harry, you really wanted to know if everyone else was ok as well

Now there was a few things in the plot that bothered me, things for me that would have been simple to avoid,  like when Harry is being moved out of the house and they find themselves caught within a ring of death eaters  at the night they intended to move him. if they really didn't want to be caught they would have changed the date they moved at the house so that there was a an absolute flaw in the death eaters plans. Also if a portkey is so safe why not just make one at the house and go from there. there was a couple more things like this that    I at least found an obvious problem with.

Other then these kind of problems i was very satisfied with how the story line played out and very happy to be reading it even though i saw the movie. Like most books it had things that a movie could never wish to hold. like the description of how harry was feeling when he went to his own death, there were also all sorts of things that were left out, that is why i will always be happy to read a book even if i have seen the movie.

Writing response #3

Writing response #3 

Question #1

Well the thing about a blog is that it can be a great reflection of yourself and a great way to build a positive image for yourself. 
Most employers now a days are looking up those that apply to the stores online. so the use of the blog can be more then just building a positive image of but also making any of the negative feed about you, not completely corrupt ones opinion of you. The Internet is becoming more and more important to people, and what better way to get a head start on others who are after the same thing as you, then to act upon that information and build yourself a reputation where many can find and appreciate it. The thing about building a blog is allowing all of you best traits to show without any contradictory comments. Your making it easier for people to get to know you, so when that first interview comes along for that job you wanted, you have give the employer a chance to get to know you already, allowing you to be a bit more relaxed, you can even put it directly on to your resume as to let the employer to distinguish you form others much more efficiently. Same goes for scholarships, if you have some way of indicating you as the better choice, may as well give yourself a hand and put down your cards, poker is a fun game but should not be played all the time. 
so use your blog to better your chances of achieving your goals, as pointless as it might seem at times, does help build a stronger reputation for yourself.

Question #2

Comment #1
I made this comment on Claires blog because i really like the point that she made. I find that this is a very honest opinion, and wanted to make a point that being able to talk, while containing those minor details that are considered gossip, is important too.  
comment #2
I made this second comment on Sams blog because i found it ironic how you can make something when you think is nothing, even though your mind is blocked you have something to write about. What i want to know is in knowing that does it make it easier to write more.

Comment #3
I made this comment because like i say im a big fan of this music it entrances you, sucks you in and holds you there while everything trembles around you. I am quite interested in how it makes others feel because it is such a popular type of music, I would like to know if people like for the same or different reasons.

Question #3

commenting back and forth on each others blogs is a good way to build up strong ideas. By listening and expressing ideas you are sharing information that will greatly increase the limit of your writing these are some of the good characteristics of a of a comment. The bad things about comments is that the person who is reading the can misinterpret the context in which you mean. By giving and receiving comments you are learning what people like and don't like even if they don't state it in there question. you can see by what they chose to comment on the kind of things people responding to, by taking this in you are then becoming a better reader/writer.

Monday, 15 October 2012


This is a poem i am very found of, because the ideas put forth are often lost in these years. so it is a great pleasure of mine to see remembrance of the goals we should set on our self's in life.


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son! 
 by: Rudyard Kipling
source here

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Writing Response #2

Six word memoirs

I had fun making the six word memoirs, attaching pictures to them and sharing them with others. They were a really great way to express my opinions, without dragging on and on about things that do not actually connect to the topic a hand.
I found it to be an easy task to do because i was able to break it up into steps to make it a fast process.
One think up a idea. to pick a theme that idea suits best. Three condense. With that I found the project very simple.
I found with this form of writing that it does not just help you condense ideas, it also helps with expanding them. All the six word memoirs I did gave me a starting place to further my thoughts, and because of how specific the micro version was, it can really keep you on track when you start on expressing your idea in full.
I preferred writing the six word memoirs, but I also feel that the picture taking was necessary to give a the six word memoir its full penitential. The reason I liked writing them more is because making visuals for them was not always convenient, for the location was limited. 

Monday, 1 October 2012

Six word memoir #6

I made this as a reflection onto ones past.
Have you ever thought back on something that you would have like to redone.
This could be anything from making a mistake to not doing anything at all or just something that you would have liked to do again.
I used two things to represent past. One was the fading of the back ground/ the other is the flow of water.
I used these because they are very common indicators of passing time, and wanted to use both 
so as an indicator to consider your past.

Six word memoir #5

I made this for those that find it hard to do something they feel is important.
For those that have a challenge in there life and are sticking to whats right even with the disapproving stares of others,this ones to you.
I made the figure shaded because of that feeling of being cast out. It may be hard to know what you are
doing is right but have everyone set you aside.
I also wanted to so the strength of these people, and I used the color of the tree to represent that spirit.
It is there to show the clarity and conviction of that choice.

Six word memoir #4

The reason I chose a clock for this picture was to represent the future, and I was using it 
to emphasize the things that will come to pass.
The reason I made it a bit dark is because the future is something that you will always be uncertain of.
you never really know what will happen and must leave up to hope.
The reason for this memoir was to strike out at the public at large, 
who doesn't have something they want to do, there are so many possibilities. If you have something interesting future plan please share. Everything counts
no matter how small you may think it is.

Read Response #4

Reading Response #4

book: Harry Potter and the half blood prince
author: J.K. Rowling
pages: 31-80

I just wanted to start off by commenting on how the last book ended since I have moved on.
Last week I had a question about what was going to happen to Umbridge, and although that got answered I must say it was not very satisfying. In the end the was carried off by centaurs into the forbidden forest, this was humorous in a ironic kind of way because of her discrimination against half breeds as she called them, but I feel she could have done a bit bet then to bring her back. Since this was the book where she killed off Sirius, one of the good characters, I feel there was not nearly enough damage done to her considering all she did. I did not mind so much that she was brought of the forest more i felt it annoying how she got off scoot free with no more then a fear of centaurs. For me she should at the very least have been put in Azkaban.

In the half blood prince something I have noticed is a lot more questions are being raised then answered. All ready I have several things I want answers to. Like for example what will Harry's private lessons with Dumbledore entail. Is Malfoy  been ordered to kill Dumbledore, if so how can he possibly accomplish this when Voldemort cannot. Will Snape turn out to have been working for Voldemort the whole time, will this unbreakable vow turn out to be Dumbledore's undoing.
All these questions have built up right away and not many answers have been produced yet, and the ones that have are not fully answered. I must say J.K. Rowling has done a very good job pulling you into the story and making you interested right off the bat. I will be very happy when I am able to answer a few of these questions because there is so much suspense built up already its killing me, the unfortunate thing is these are questions that are only going to be answered at the end of the book. J.K. Rowling you have my props not even a quarter of the way in an I already know im going to be tide in beginning to end, you had a great book made before it was even finished.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Six word memoir #3

I wanted to show the companionship of more than just a ring of friends, your piers, and make a point of
just how much people there are that are worth knowing.
Over the summer I had someone from Australia work with me, it was really interesting, 
especially since it turned out she was one of the heads of natural disaster coordination. 
she had been traveling all over the world and working in different places staying with friends she 
knew from all the places she went.
She was an example for me that having friends all around does nothing but create opportunity for you.
having friends all over gives you a chance to do thing you cant easily do on your own.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Six word memoir #2

Something that is absolutely astonishing, is how much our technology changes, 
and just how little we notice.
How many of you remember when smart phone were not around,
when laptops were big and chunky.
They most common is the ipod, and the amount of change it made.
I still recall getting an mp3 player for Christmas  and being so excited.
The purpose of this picture is to remind us how much has changed and also that this thing, is still around. Its called a hard drive and still is an active part of that sleek laptop that has a thousand mysteries inside. 

Six word memoir #1

The reason I took this picture is to represent all those people who are having a hard time, and feel trapped.
The black and white were used to emphasize the emptiness in that feeling.
I did not just make this to show a cornered person, if you notice the light around the head. 
I put that there to say that there is a way out.
 Even though it may be hard, there is a tunnel of light down the road that will take you to a better place.
You just have to prepare yourself for the challenges before you get there. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Writing response

Six word memoirs
Six word memoirs something that have gone very well for me, they are easy to put together and a great way to express yourself in depth without having to explain every single detail. Six word memoirs give a very deep connection to the reader depending on the word use, since it is so sort it is very easy to understand what the person is trying to say.
I stayed in my class when I did my six word memoirs, many because I did not want to go walking at the moment and partly because I work better with groups.
The thing I really like about this type of writing is just how deeply you can connect, even without a huge explanation, it takes the pain of ready a long paragraph out and hits you directly with all the emotion the writer put into it without swaying from their point. Some of the pros and cons of six word memoirs are:
-easy to get a point across
-can be misleading
-keeps things short and simple
-can be unclear
-most anyone can do it
-may be hard to some up your feelings
These are some of the things that make them so great and yet difficult.
Something I realized about myself is that I find it very easy to say what I need to say in writing, and can clearly state my meanings.
One of the hardest parts for was thinking up a six word memoir for hate, since I have never been one to hold on to the bad things life has to offer. On the other hand I found the relation to my past very easy to put together, for I often reflect on things in the past.

So far blogging has made an interesting addition to day to day activities, It is one thing to do things and then forget about them but by blogging  it, it keep a record of what you have done and shares it with anyone who is interested. One of the difficult things about blogging is finding ways to word your thoughts in a intriguing way as to make the audience interested. The most rewarding thing about a blog is having a record and memory of what you have done and go back to for later enjoyment.
A goal that I will be trying to achieve this week is to get comments form my readers, I will be achieving this by observing what you guys are responding are enjoying most about my posts.
If there is something you are interested in feel free to add a comment.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Reading Reflection #3

Reading reflection #3

book: Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
author: J.K. Rowling
pages: 526-560

There are many differences between the book and the movie, the main thing is that the movies can only fit so much in, and there for must fallow the plot of Harry versus Voldemort much more strictly. What happened to the films as the book sizes increased, is that they had to leave more and more out, "Such as Fred and Gorges departure from Hogwarts once they had enough of Ms Umbridge" and try and portray Voldemort and Harry's battle more clearly for the audience. The differences also define the similarities, since they had to stay so close to the plot that is where they made their connections. For example the battle in the forth book when Cedric Diggary died, was followed nearly perfectly, with the few exceptions of Harry;s emotions that would have been hard to display.
 What the movie also did was focus more on the creature battles, where the movie made it last five minutes the book only had a couple of sentences on it, such as the dragon in the forth movie.
What the movie does with the creature scenes of Harry Potter will always be a preference of mine, but for everything else i prefer the book. this is because it includes so much more story to it, and for me story is the whole point, so unless your more visual, books probably include so much more for you.

Something I have been wondering ever since Hagrid returned, is what has been happening to him to cause all the injuries. The problem with this question is that there is not much of an answer, since he tends to put himself in very risky situations it is hard to narrow down what could be happening.
So when I found out that Hagrid has been keeping his brother " A Giant" in the forbidden forest I must say i was not surprised. J.K Rowling may have cause a fair bit of curiosity in her readers with this, but for me it was not as much of a surprise as it could have been. Saying it then makes me wonder if she meant to wright this way, to give you a glimpse as to what is coming in the future, although I am not sure, this also seemed a likely possibility.

A big thing that has happened recently is Dumbledore's flee, and has caused me to really think about where this will lead to, since Umbridge is making things difficult for everyone, what will happen now that they have no one to stick up for themselves. Although the students are making things hard for her I would really like to know what will send her on her way.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Forgot something? unfortunate

So I went out for a walk down to get ice cream at sergeant sundae.
 On my way I saw an old lady trying to cross the road, helped her get to the other side. She gave me a nickle and told me not to spend it all at one place.
Saw a baby bird that fell out of a tree, climbed the tree and put it back. Only to have the mother bird attack me.
Someone was going to jump off a building, talked him down.
It was unfortunate he jumped. Lucky I broke the fall.
Dinner time, what  was I doing so far from home.
Almost home, see someone with ice cream,
 "of course."
 Get home, they have bought ice cream for desert. 
Unfortunate that its all gone.
Ask to borrow the car. 
tires are flat. 
Cheers to a good day. 
It could have have been worse.
At least i'm not bad luck Brian

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

One of the things that will always be fun for me is learning self discipline, and i don't mean learning to sit still. What I like is to be able control my own body, that is why I have joined a martial arts class called TRACMA.
It is a very fun class and I have got the picture a while ago that if your not feeling pain you are not improving as fast as you could. The fact that my older brother was in the class two years before I joined only adds a larger pile onto the pain i have to injure to catch up to him. The only problem is two years is hard to catch up to, and while I'm looking over at him doing the splits comfortably, my groin is aching over the stress of being split in half.
I tend to be a fast learner, so you say jump i say how high, but when it comes to jumping. In my class that also means spinning in the air and delivering a kick, it is great to know how to do that, but your body definitely will not agree.
If you are learning something similair please share techques that can prevent others and "myself" from further injury
For those people who like to be inspired, here is a poem that really meant something to me. If this poem is inspiring to you. please take a moment and think why what is it that stuck you, that made you think. If you have an answer please post it, for I would love to see others opinions on it.

For me it is a way of life you should proud of, and never to be strafed away from. For if you live with the knowledge that you will always be amazing no matter what happens to you, and you are not flaunting it around but holding it inside yourself. Then there will be nothing that can hurt you, and the strength inside your self will make others strong as well

                       Our Deepest Fear
                                                by: Marianne Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

                                                                      Source is here

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

This is a doodle of my digital foot print. The places I visit most are in portion to the the size of the continent that they are on. YouTube being the place I visit most gets the largest present of the the Earth, the ocean.

note: keep in mind that this is a doodle, and is not meant for the eye pleasure, rather a representation of the place I find entertaining online. For a more pleasing digit foot print go here.

Reading reflection # 2

book: Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
author: J.K. Rowling
pages: 280-321

After the discovery of Sirius’s family tree tapestry, it had me wondering who was all on it. Since it had been explained earlier that the Black family were rather dark, I wanted to know who was on that tapestry to see if any of the characters would come up later on in the story.
once I learned who was on the tapestry, I found it was a great way for J.K. Rowling to have re-introduced characters previously mentioned and getting the audience  to think about them once again.
what the tapestry represented for me was  great deal of  foreshadowing on people coming into the story. it was a prediction (at least for me) of who else would play into the series.
The tapestry was important because if any of Sirius’s family were to come back they would find out where the order of the phoenix is, and be able to learn about their plans from the house elf. (kreacher) If one of his family members were to come back it would play a big role in the story.

One of the things i found interesting after, Harry and his friends decided to start their own defence against the dark arts lessons, is how they were not ratted out. the reason I found this interesting is because I was led to believe “and even predicted” that the group would be told on by the character, Smith Zacharias. This did not just make me rethink the prediction, it also made me think up other predictions. Like. “if he did not tell on them something else must go wrong” It is funny how making an incorrect prediction can make you think up even more predictions then you already have.

Something else  that came out of the meeting for a defence against the dark arts class, is the knowledge that Ginny Weasley was dating. I was actually able to make a connection to my self with this because of how Ron reacted to the information.
The attitude is that of “wait shes dating that guy? Well i didn’t like him.” In this Ron and I carry a very similar few on how we prefer our little sisters. Single. It makes me laugh to read about a behavior I hold.

One question i had that was answered shortly after it came up, was who had attacked Hedwig. I was expecting it to be someone working for Voldemort, so when i found out it was Umbridge. Let me just say this, i can’t wait for something bad happens to her.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Introduction post

This is the beginning of my creative writing blogging which i will use to enhance my writing  skills and entertain those of you who are reading enjoy